Sedation Dentistry

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In Sedation dentistry process, medication or drug is used to relax the patient during dental treatment. Sedation dentistry also called as ‘Sleep Dentistry’. Sedation dentistry focuses on reliving stress and pain through sedation.

types of sedation dentistry

Laughing gas is safe for children and adults, because they are awake while dental procedure. In this type of sedation dentistry patient keeps laughing during the treatment. The effect of the gas remains on patient until they breathe it in, the effect fade away as soon as they stop inhaling it. Unlike, other type of sedation laughing gas quick to wear off.
This type of sedation dentistry has been done taking a pill, at night before the dental procedure. Patient will feel unconscious at the time of dental procedure. Oral seduction dentistry can be minimal or moderate level. Effect of oral sedation depends on these levels.
For IV sedation dentistry, we insert an IV line into a vein in the crook of your arm. The IV line provides a steady flow of medication. Patient will feel unconscious during the entire procedure that way.

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