Gum Therapy

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Gum Therapy is used to treat Gum disease, which is also known as ‘Periodontal disease’. Periodontal or gum disease is an infection that affects the gums and jaw bone, which can lead to a loss of gum and teeth. There are two major stages — gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the milder and reversible form; periodontal disease is often more severe. In some cases, gum surgery will be required to reverse the effect of the disease.
Services we provide in Gum therapy:

Gum disease or Periodontal disease include Sore gum, bleeding and bad breath. If this disease is not treated properly on time than it cause losing your sponge bones which hold your teeth and eventually result in tooth loss. Gum disease can also be cured with non-surgical treatment and better home care. Good dental hygiene can prevent gum disease or any other oral issues. More advanced cases of gum disease require more intensive courses of gum therapy.

To measure the health or your gums, a thin device is gently slid between your gum and your tooth and each tooth is measured in six areas in relation to the gum line. If the area measures deeper than 3 a deep cleaning may be recommended.

The deep cleaning process is called ‘scaling’ and ‘root planning’. This removes the plaque and tarter from between the teeth and gum pockets. It is relatively painless and in most cases a local anesthetic is given to numb the treatment area. After this type of treatment better home care is needed to heal and prevent future gum problems.

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