General Dentistry

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General Dentistry prevents, evaluate, diagnose and treat the disease of oral health cavities. General dentistry also maintains the appearance and functions of your teeth. Because of General dental care you can avoid dental problems at their initial state or if your dental issues have progressed, it can be treated.

General dentistry services:

Applying composite tooth bonding is a restorative procedure that uses tooth enamel-colored composite resin (plastic) to repair teeth that are decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored. Tooth gaps can also be closed.

Unlike veneers, which require laboratory work, bonding is done in the dental office.

Crowns are dental restorations that protect damaged, cracked or broken teeth.

Dental crowns often referred to as caps, sit over the entire part of the tooth that lies above the gum line.

A severely damaged tooth may need to be extracted. Permanent teeth may also need to be removed for orthodontic treatment.
Dental fillings and repairs use restorative materials used to repair teeth that have been compromised due to cavities or trauma.

Root canals treat diseases or abscessed teeth. Once a tooth is injured, cracked or decayed, it is necessary to open the tooth and clean out the infected tissue in the center. This space is then filled and the opening sealed.

Dental sealants, usually applied to the chewing surface of teeth, act as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria. Most often, the sealants are applied to the back teeth, e.g., premolars and molars.

What are the early signs of dental problems including?

By preventing these problems in their early state, you can stop them from turning into more serious conditions, which can be more expensive and time-consuming to treat. Porcelain filling not only attractive and tooth colored appearance, but also doesn’t contain mercury.

Periodontal or gum disease is an infection that affects the gums and jaw bone, which can lead to a loss of gum and teeth. There are two major stages — gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the milder and reversible form; periodontal disease is often more severe. In some cases, gum surgery will be required to reverse the effect of the disease.

Oral cancer starts in the cells of the mouth, tongue or throat. Oral cancer screening is usually a routine part of a dental examination.

In this exam, your dentist will feel for lumps or irregular tissue changes in your neck, head, face, and inside your mouth. Your dentist will also look for sores or discolored tissue in your mouth.

Let's Talk !

During your cosmetic dentistry consultation, we can cover advantages offered by porcelain veneers in more detail to help you determine if they are the best solution for your lifestyle.
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