Root Canal

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Root canal is also known as ‘Endodontic Therapy’, which means “inside the tooth”. A root canal is not a treatment, but part of a tooth. It is a dental procedure to remove infection from the tooth and protect it against future infection. It carried out in pulp of the teeth which is root canal. It is section of a tooth that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells, also known as the pulp.

A “root canal” is not a treatment, but part of a tooth. It is the hollow section of a tooth that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells, also known as the pulp. If you have symptoms like troubling throbbing toothache, pain in bite or chewing, swelling on face, fever, persistent bad breath, etc. then it indicates tooth infection and you need to go for root canal treatment. Root canal treatment can save your tooth from infection and remove pain.

During a root canal procedure, dentist will remove underlying infection, and then they will fill root system to prevent it from further infection. Then tooth will be capped with dental crown that look and function like original teeth.

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